God weeps for the SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF MAN – look at all that you do to one another. See the carnage you inflict upon the innocent. See the misery you have caused one another. See how you take upon yourselves the creative power that was not yours to take. See how you manipulate the laws of nature bending them to your truth. See how you fear your own creations and try to out run what you have done.
You have ignored my pleas. You have not adhered to my laws. You have taken what was not yours to take. And you have not given what was not yours to keep. If only you had asked what was to be done. All the power, the knowledge, the love was yours to use, but your pride was too great to acknowledge its ignorance. So now the innocent suffer; the innocent are destroyed; the innocent cry out.
SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF MAN – look at all that you have done.
God Weeps